Street photography

A little travel

Well, it’s been another “while” and I missed some entries here but I’m making a go of it now. Between weddings and work I have been doing quite a bit of traveling, so much so that I have taken some photos and haven’t even had a chance to work on them. Here’s a little update for this past weekend though, I was in Los Angeles for a couple of days and in particular - Venice beach and Santa Monica. That’s a lot of walking. Spent the day photographing life on the boardwalk and just getting my mind cleared from a long winter. I haven’t properly walked the boardwalk between the two cities in dogs years and you know, it felt good getting that cool ocean air into the lungs and some sand under my chucks. You can get lost in the jungle of life out there between the tourists and the regulars to the campers and street people. They all have a uniqueness to them and they’re kind souls who just don’t wanna leave what once was. The culture is very much alive on the boardwalk.


London | a preview

Here's a quick peak of some of the shots I've been taking around central London.  

i wanted to focus on what I used to love (and still do) by shooting street, and shooting only black and white.  

I've been here for a couple of weeks and am rounding off my trip and preparing to come home to beautiful Canada.  

Hope you enjoy the photos, they are straight out of the camera and unedited.  

